Business Development Manager (Research) - Chemical & MPE Segment
Location Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur Data publikacji February 05, 2025 Identyfikator oferty 18485The Global Business Area Industrial Weighing generates more than 600 million USD sales with weighing solutions for Industrial Applications globally and it is an important pillar within the Industrial Division’s growth strategy. The rapidly evolving Chemical and Metal, Polymer & Electronics (MPE) segments offer significant revenue opportunities for the unit and shall be further addressed in a systematic approach.
Tou will be responsible for the Chemical and the Metal, Polymer & Electronics (MPE) segment investigation with the goal to provide expertise recommendations to marketing and sales-related topics such as customer insights, brand and product value propositioning, new product development, channel development and insight presentations for key stakeholders.
▪Conduct deep dive analyses, analyzing data and gathering insights about segment requirements and pain points along its manufacturing value chain.
▪Conduct interviews with internal and external experts to compliment desktop research outcomes, and findings complication into coherent report within agreed deadlines.
▪Identify early signs of trend-driven segment opportunities and risks by visiting tradeshow, conferences, associations, and customers.
▪Proactive exchange with cross-functional teams, stakeholders and leadership management about latest findings, strategies, and implementation possibilities.
▪Build up industrial weighing application and solution knowledge.
▪Responsible in building internal stakeholder knowledge in Marketing and Sales function, by creating and delivering segment salesforce guidance (SFG) package including training content, sales presentation and value selling guide, alongside the Go-to-Customer (GTC) coaching and on-site segment event support.
internal and external networks to share trends and best practices, as well as
contribute to knowledge creation initiatives.
▪Bachelor’s degree in chemistry required; master’s degree is a plus.
▪Good understanding of relevant content area such as (1) Industry segment: Chemical & MPE manufacturing; (2) Functional topic: Sales & Marketing and Market Research
▪Minimum 5 years work experience.
▪Highly organized and self-motivated, and able to prioritize among competing demands with excellent people skills.
▪Excellent communication skills in English and Mandarin (both oral and written)
▪Professional in customer-facing context.
▪Comfortable with flexible working hours, ability to travel as needed
We offer:
- Collaborative and innovative work environment
- Global exposure
- Professional development and growth opportunities
- Commitment to diversity and inclusion
You can expect challenging,
interesting, and varied tasks in an innovative and international environment,
with the opportunity to network globally and achieve your career goals.
Have we raised your interest? Then we look forward to receiving your complete
application at our Job portal.
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