18091-Lean logistics specialist
Location Szanghaj, Shanghai Shi Data publikacji November 19, 2024 Identyfikator oferty 18091- Responsible for Lean improvement in the Logistics & Supply China for the China region, optimizing the operational models of Warehousing and transportation in accordance with the company’s and department’s development strategies and industry benchmarks.
- Responsible for establishing a Lean Logistics management system, improving work rules and processes, and solidifying Lean Logistics management methodologies while providing professional training and capability enhancement for the team to improve operational quality and efficiency.
- Responsible for identifying, leading and promoting innovative Lean Logistics projects, collaborating with upstream and downstream Supply Chain departments to drive targeted improvements, achieving cost reduction and efficiency enhancement.
- Regularly collect and analyze data related to Warehousing and Logistics, track KPIs, identify trends and issues, and propose data-driven improvement suggestions.
- Establish good communication channels with procurement, production, sales and other departments, participate in cross-departmental meetings, and share best practices and experiences in Logistics optimization. By understanding the needs of each department, coordinate internal and external resources to optimize Supply Chain efficiency and reduce transportation costs.
- Establish a continuous improvement mechanism to monitor the implementation effectiveness of improvement measures, ensuring their efficacy and sustainability. Organize regular review meetings to summarize lessons learned and continuously enhance the team’s Lean management capabilities.
- Promote the construction of a digital Logistics & Supply China in the China region.
- Education background
- Bachelor’s degree or above
- Major in Industrial Engineering, Logistics or Supply Chain
- Major and ability requirement
- Over 2 years of relevant work experience with a strong understanding of Lean Logistics theories and possessing data sensitivity and analytical skills.
- Responsible with strong resilience to pressure, clear logical thinking and a strong drive to push initiatives forward.
- Able to work under significant pressure, capable of setting priorities and driving actions to completion with a focus on work quality.
- Excellent verbal and written communication skills with fluent English language proficiency.
- Willing to travel for short trips between Shanghai and Changzhou.
- Competitive compensation & benefit package
- Possibility to work in an international environment with multicultural team
- Interesting and challenging career in a successful leading global organization
- Trainings and professional development
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- 18550-Planner Szanghaj, Chiny 02/05/2025
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