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Twój talent


Engineering & Business Leadership Program

Location Royston, Anglia Data publikacji January 11, 2024 Identyfikator oferty 15334
Our Opening and Your Responsibilities
Start Your International Career with us and be part of our 3 years program!

You will hold different roles in our local Product Inspection organizations. First in in Royston, Hertfordshire (near Cambridge) and then either in Germany or the US. Typical assignments will be in product / project / program management of our Engineering pillar.

Stage 1: Joining commercial functions
  • Integrated into the local organization, you will take on progressively increasing challenge and responsibility, which will include international projects.
  • Your responsibilities will be impactful and will be structured to give you a good overview of the business, with mentoring by and collaboration with local management.
Stage 2: International Assignment
  • After a successful first assignment in UK, we will have an international assignment ready for you, expected to last about one year. For example, you might be based in one of our locations in Hanover (Greater Area), Heppenheim (Bergstraße) or US (Tampa).
Stage 3: First Leadership Role
  • Once you have excelled the 3-year period, you will be offered a management position in one of our organizations as the next step of your general management career with us.
What You Need to Succeed
  • The clear potential to be a future leader in our exciting, diverse, and international technology-driven company.
  • A Degree from an internationally recognized top University (Master, Diploma, PhD) in Engineering, Science or Business Administration.
  • Applied work experience of 2-4 years in a technology-rich business, in a product, project, operations or commercial role.
  • International experience (studies or work)
  • An entrepreneurial mindset, with a “can do” attitude, and a flair for technology solutions.
  • Resilience, commitment, and a wish to go the extra mile.
  • Willingness to travel and relocate.
  • Excellent communication skills in English, both written and spoken.
Our Offer to You
One Team. Global Reach. Amazing Solutions.

We provide a dynamic and international environment in which you will have the possibility to make an impact with your ideas and solutions and challenge yourself through the completion of demanding projects that will have full visibility in the organization.

We are your employer of choice! 

METTLER TOLEDO is a leading global supplier of precision instruments and services. We are recognized as an innovation leader and our solutions are critical in key R&D, quality control, and manufacturing processes for customers in a wide range of industries including life sciences, food, and chemicals. We operate throughout the world with a culture shaped by innovation and international flair.
  • We will support you with a great opportunity to take over your first leadership role and develop your strength in an international work environment.
  • Our Senior Leadership will provide mentoring and assure regular feedback circles to accompany your International Career with METTLER TOLEDO.

Take up an exciting challenge and join us!
  Please use our online portal to submit your application. If you have any questions, please contact Maren Miksch-Rühl ( ) from the recruitment team.
About Mettler Toledo
METTLER TOLEDO is a leading global supplier of precision instruments and services. We are recognized as an innovation leader and our solutions are critical in key R&D, quality control, and manufacturing processes for customers in a wide range of industries including life sciences, food, and chemicals. We operate throughout the world with a culture shaped by innovation and international flair.
Equal Opportunity Employment
We promote equal opportunity worldwide and value diversity in our global workforce, which reflects the diversity in the many countries in which we operate internationally. Our commitment to Equal Opportunity and Diversity begins with our recruitment and selection process. We will ensure that individuals with disabilities are provided reasonable adjustments to participate in the job application or interview process. If you consider yourself to have a disability or learning difficulty which means you are unable to complete the application process online, please get in touch by email to so that we can make alternative arrangements for you. For more information on our commitment to Sustainability, Diversity and Equal Opportunity please visit us here.


Zobacz “dzień z życia” pracownika METTLER TOLEDO. Niezależnie od tego gdzie pracujesz, wszędzie poczujesz dobrą atmosferę. METTLER TOLEDO może być dokładnie tym, gdzie Twoje miejsce.

Zostańmy w kontakcie

Dołącz do naszej Społeczności Talentów i otrzymuj spersonalizowane informacje o aktualnie otwartych procesach rekrutacyjnych.

Zarejestruj się

METTLER TOLEDO jest pracodawcą oferującym równe szanse i ceniącym różnorodność.

Zabraniamy dyskryminacji ze strony pracowników, przełożonych oraz współpracowników, ze względu na rasę, kolor skóry, wyznanie, płeć (w tym zmianę płci, obowiązki rodzinne, stan cywilny, związek partnerski, ciążę, poród, tożsamość lub ekspresję płciową oraz orientację
seksualną), religię, wiek, pochodzenie narodowe lub przodków, obywatelstwo, niepełnosprawność fizyczną lub umysłową, informacje genetyczne, status powołania militarnego, przekonania polityczne, korzystanie z praw do wolności zrzeszania się lub wszelkie inne kategorie/cechy, o których mowa w obowiązujących przepisach prawa.
Zapoznaj się z naszą polityką równych szans w zatrudnieniu.

METTLER TOLEDO dokłada wszelkich starań, aby strona były dostępne dla wszystkich użytkowników. Jeśli chcesz skontaktować się z nami w sprawie dostępności naszej strony internetowej lub potrzebujesz pomocy, aby dokończyć proces aplikowania na ofertę pracy, skontaktuj się z nami pod adresem