Product Specialist - Rapid Microbial Detection
Location Petaling Jaya, Selangor Data publikacji September 18, 2024 Identyfikator oferty 17467- Active participation in the sales process including pre and post sales customer visits. Work with Product Manager and sales teams to develop opportunities to technical close.
- Develop strong application knowledge and serve as recognized expert for product and trainer for global Marketing, Sales, and Service.
- Customer support and development to include on-site training, technical services, application feasibility studies, and pre/post sale support for data analysis, commissioning and maintenance supports.
- Develop strong technical product knowledge as well as a working knowledge of competitive and complementary technologies and solutions.
- Specific customer applications support, consulting and training of new and existing users.
- Identify and develop application solutions that provide high value to the pharmaceutical markets.
- Actively provide input for new products, software, and service offerings to product management.
- Direct the transfer of knowledge and data from application feasibility studies, industry applications, and technical journals and publications to product management for future product development.
- BS Degree in science, engineering, or life sciences. Microbiology or Biology is a plus.
- Must have 3 to 5 years' experience with analytical instrumentation and/or pure & ultrapure water purification systems development, sales or applications support.
- Prior experience with customer-facing positions is highly desirable.
- Experience with technical sales and service of pharmaceutical equipment, customer support, troubleshooting, and data analysis will be desirable.
- Experience in Pharmaceutical, pure, and ultrapure water purification systems and/or Ultrapure Water measurement, design, regulations, and control are desirable.
- Strong critical thinking and problem-solving skills
- Strong written and oral communication skills for direct communication with customers, co-workers and partners at all levels, all functions and all regions of the organization.
- Has a customer and commercial orientation.
- Self-motivated and has a continuous improvement mindset.
- 1.5 months contractual bonus
- Global exposure
- Career development
- Medical and dental benefits
Zobacz “dzień z życia” pracownika METTLER TOLEDO. Niezależnie od tego gdzie pracujesz, wszędzie poczujesz dobrą atmosferę. METTLER TOLEDO może być dokładnie tym, gdzie Twoje miejsce.
- Market Manager - LabTec Petaling Jaya, Malezja 10/18/2024
- Tele-Marketers (MTNA) Petaling Jaya, Malezja 11/08/2024
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