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Twój talent


Digital Talent Program

Location Petaling Jaya, Selangor Data publikacji July 24, 2024 Identyfikator oferty 16960
Our Opening and Your Responsibilities
Whether you are eager to kickstart your career after graduation or interested in shifting your career towards digitalization after a few years of practical experience, we invite you to take on our Digital Talent Program and embark on an exciting journey of professional growth and development. Take up the challenge and join our Digital Talent Program.

At METTLER TOLEDO, we are driven to provide value to customers by offering them innovative solutions. Digital Business Services (DBS) is a business-focused digitalization organization, dedicated to creating value, supporting productivity, growth, and enhancing customer experience through digital solutions and harmonization of processes and systems. We cover a wide range of topics from application, infrastructure, data, reporting, as well as project management, such as M365 implementations and infrastructure upgrades.

For DBS’ Digital Talent Program, we are looking for diverse, open-minded, and result-oriented talents, who are passionate about providing digital solutions.
The Digital Talent Program is an 18-month rotational program that provides you with broad exposure to our Digital Business Services (DBS) and various Business Units. Your responsibilities will be impactful: You will gain a holistic overview of the business and be coached by our local and global managers.

The 18-month rotational program offers a unique opportunity to gain broad exposure to our Digital Business Services (DBS) and various Business Units. You will gain a holistic overview of the business and be coached by our local and global managers.
Throughout the journey, you will be able to expand your knowledge and your network within METTLER TOLEDO. In addition, through exposure to various key strategic initiatives, you will be able to enhance your business understanding while sharpening your skills to provide digital solutions.
What You Need to Succeed
  • A Master’s degree from various disciplines.
  • Initial internship experiences including student activities
  • Entrepreneurial and results-oriented mindset with a “can do” attitude, and a strong interest in technology and digital solutions.
  • Resilience, commitment, and willingness to go the extra mile.
  • Openness to change and learning agility to adapt.
  • Excellent communication skills in English, both written and spoken.
Our Offer to You
As a selected participant, you will complete six three-month assignments; four within Digital Business Services (DBS) and two in other areas such as Sales, and Market Organizations. One of these six assignments will be an international assignment in another country. This will allow you to work on strategic global projects with colleagues, learn from one another, and build an international network within METTLER TOLEDO. Our assignments are tailored to your interests, skills, and the needs of the company, ensuring that you have a business impact and enhance your skills.

Throughout the journey, you will be assigned a mentor from another geographic region to provide you with support and guidance. You will also have the opportunity to immerse yourself in our "One Team" culture and collaborate with various business units.

Join us to create business value through innovative solutions!
About Mettler Toledo
METTLER TOLEDO is a leading global supplier of precision instruments and services. We are recognized as an innovation leader and our solutions are critical in key R&D, quality control, and manufacturing processes for customers in a wide range of industries including life sciences, food, and chemicals. We operate throughout the world with a culture shaped by innovation and international flair.
Equal Opportunity Employment
We promote equal opportunity worldwide and value diversity in our teams in terms of business background, area of expertise, gender and ethnicity. For more information on our commitment to Sustainability, Diversity and Equal Opportunity please visit us here.


Zobacz “dzień z życia” pracownika METTLER TOLEDO. Niezależnie od tego gdzie pracujesz, wszędzie poczujesz dobrą atmosferę. METTLER TOLEDO może być dokładnie tym, gdzie Twoje miejsce.

Zostańmy w kontakcie

Dołącz do naszej Społeczności Talentów i otrzymuj spersonalizowane informacje o aktualnie otwartych procesach rekrutacyjnych.

Zarejestruj się

METTLER TOLEDO jest pracodawcą oferującym równe szanse i ceniącym różnorodność.

Zabraniamy dyskryminacji ze strony pracowników, przełożonych oraz współpracowników, ze względu na rasę, kolor skóry, wyznanie, płeć (w tym zmianę płci, obowiązki rodzinne, stan cywilny, związek partnerski, ciążę, poród, tożsamość lub ekspresję płciową oraz orientację
seksualną), religię, wiek, pochodzenie narodowe lub przodków, obywatelstwo, niepełnosprawność fizyczną lub umysłową, informacje genetyczne, status powołania militarnego, przekonania polityczne, korzystanie z praw do wolności zrzeszania się lub wszelkie inne kategorie/cechy, o których mowa w obowiązujących przepisach prawa.
Zapoznaj się z naszą polityką równych szans w zatrudnieniu.

METTLER TOLEDO dokłada wszelkich starań, aby strona były dostępne dla wszystkich użytkowników. Jeśli chcesz skontaktować się z nami w sprawie dostępności naszej strony internetowej lub potrzebujesz pomocy, aby dokończyć proces aplikowania na ofertę pracy, skontaktuj się z nami pod adresem