Laboratory Technician Strain Gauge Transducers
Location Nänikon, Kanton Zürich Data publikacji November 13, 2024 Identyfikator oferty 17858- Execute strain gauge load cell development, industrialization, and ongoing support throughout the product lifecycle.
- Serve as the primary instructor for strain gauge manufacturing processes in operations and can teach and demonstrate best practices based on experience in developing these sensors.
- Additionally, you act as a deputy for technicians working with MFR transducers and is capable of supporting development activities in this area.
- Prototype manufacturing of strain gauge load cells and performance qualification
- Development of manufacturing process guidelines and quality control measures
- Onsite support for strain gauge load cells in operations
- Conduct root cause analysis in case of quality issues.
- Planning, execution, and evaluation of test runs for weighing sensors
- You have a basic technical apprenticeship (electronics, mechanics, physics laboratory technician or similar)
- You gained an in-depth knowledge of strain gauge installation techniques and related surface preparation procedures, and you are used to work within a global multicultural environment.
- Profound understanding of metrology aspects.
- Strong didactic skills.
- Strong mathematical abilities and basic knowledge of general mechanical and electrical practices.
- Ability to read and understand engineering drawings of equipment, test fixtures, and assemblies.
- Ability to plan, organize, and schedule workflow.
- Set up standard test apparatus or devices to conduct functional, operational, environmental, and life tests to evaluate the performance and reliability of prototypes or production models.
- Identify and resolve equipment malfunctions, collaborating with external and internal sources as necessary to procure replacement parts.
- Effective written and verbal communication skills in German and English are a must for this role.
- Flexible working hours (depending on the role), a hybrid work model, and a wide portfolio of training opportunities
- A 40-hour work week with at least 25 vacation days per year, plus 4 to 7 additional days off between bank holidays
- Free parking and direct access to public transport
- Healthy lunches cooked onsite at our own METTLER TOLEDO restaurant, with special prices for employees
- A range of additional attractive benefits, including employee discounts at select area businesses
Have we raised your interest? Then we look forward to receiving your complete application at our Job portal.
If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact our Talent Acquisition Team
Zobacz “dzień z życia” pracownika METTLER TOLEDO. Niezależnie od tego gdzie pracujesz, wszędzie poczujesz dobrą atmosferę. METTLER TOLEDO może być dokładnie tym, gdzie Twoje miejsce.
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