Product / Project Manager (m/f/d) - International Leadership Program MOVE
Location Île-de-France Data publikacji June 07, 2024 Identyfikator oferty 16348- Support sales in close cooperation with sales representatives, customer and service organizations :
Consulting of customers together with the sales representatives in finding the optimal solutions (by telephone, online meetings, personal presence).
Creation of functional specifications and, if necessary, customer specifications.
Accompaniment of Sales Representatives within the scope of project clarification.
Communication of final solution specifics to Market Organization Service organizations. - Ensure overall coordination after sales of the project (customer, T&L Sales & Service local team, MT factory, suppliers) from the order to the final payment of the material (including the total lifting of the reserves) : order form check, relation with Sales back office for the order to the MT factory, check production deadlines with the factory, transport, installation, Cash collection, reserves management, …)
- Measure the economic performance of each project (monitoring actual vs. planned costs)
- As Product Manager provide sales and technical training (operation and application) to sales and service teams at launch and during the life of the products
- Participate to the continuous improvement of the T&L process
- Completed scientific, technical or business university studies
- First professional experience (2-3 years) in industry ideally
- Fluent French and English, knowledge of another language (German, Spanish, Dutch, Italian…) would be an advantage
- Several months of international experience gained during studies or on the job - Open and outgoing personality with a focus in achieving ambitious targets and the will to develop further
- Permanent position in a fast growing company
- Attractive and predictable remuneration package
- Longer assignments abroad in Europe or North America
- Steep learning curve, challenging tasks, training, coaching and mentoring opportunities
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