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18565-DevSecOps Engineer

Location Changzhou, Jiangsu Sheng Data publikacji February 09, 2025 Identyfikator oferty 18565
Our Opening and Your Responsibilities
• Identifies, develops, and supports business process changes in software delivery. 
• Conducts detailed interrogation of customer needs and translates them into functional / non-functional requirements to improve the productivity of the business with regards to software delivery. 
• In collaboration with the Product Owner, or independently, analyze business requirements and translate them into functional and non-functional requirements for the ADDP (Application Development and Deployment Platform). 
• Ensure that the solutions delivered through the ADDP are aligned with the defined policies and guidelines. 
• Support the definition of template processes & solutions and the end-to-end delivery process. 
• Stay up to date with new DevOps and Security tools and features 
• Become a role model for a configuration first, customization second mindset 
• Creates detailed user stories and acceptance criteria 
• Tests against defined acceptance criteria acting as (or on behalf of) Product Owner 
• Creates and maintains user manuals and process documentation 
• Execute user trainings for new functionalities and refresh trainings 
• Provides 3rd level support for complex issues of the ADDP 
• Support projects delivery during the various phases of implementation, testing and delivery to production
What You Need to Succeed
• Masters or bachelor degree in engineering or equivalent education. 
• Good presentation skills. Ability to present complex concepts in a concise and clear manner. 
• Good knowledge of software development (knowledge of any software development language is a plus) • Good knowledge of software security processes (SCA and SAST). 
• Good knowledge of the the following tools. 
  1. o ALM Applications (Siemens Polarion is a plus) 
  2. o DevOps Tools (Azure DevOps is plus). 
  3. o SCA and SAST tools (e.g. JFrog XRay or Synopsys Coverity and Blackduck). 
• Knowledge of Agile and DevOps methodologies. 
• Ability to communicate across different teams (i.e., R&D, Operations) 
• Independent, accurate way of working and understanding of complex processes and interdependencies, high problem solving ability. 
• Excellent team player capabilities and communication skills. 
• Fluent in English, both written and spoken. 
• Responsibilities sometimes require working evenings and weekends. 
• Travel requirements up to 10%.
Our Offer to You
  • 有竞争力的薪酬福利
  • 国际化的工作环境与多元化团队氛围
  • 在世界领先的公司尝试有趣并具有挑战性的工作
  • 完善的培训与职业体系
About Mettler Toledo
Equal Opportunity Employment


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