18114-Global Porduct Manager
Location Changzhou, Jiangsu Sheng Data publikacji November 26, 2024 Identyfikator oferty 18114- Responsible for the products and related accessories assigned to you
- Market understanding: understand the market requirements and trends and customer needs
- Competition understanding: analyze competitor's product portfolio and understand their strategy.
- Product definition: make sure the products, accessories & related services fulfill market needs (including global/local regulations) and provide outstanding value to our customers and clear advantages over competition. Ensure that portfolio is consistent and easy to sell.
- Product documentation: own the technical specifications, ensure datasheets, manuals, certificates etc are accurate and up-to-date.
- Product positioning: define product positioning and pricing in co-operation with Mos and global pricing team. Carefully assess potential regional and local differences including positioning of predecessor products, other similar products from own or other SPG/Division and regional/local competitors. Provide recommendations on list-prices and discount range. Define and manage transfer prices.
- Service: work with SPG Service to define service approach and respective service products. Define spare parts including pricing.
- Product marketing: collaborate with marketing team for attractive product marketing and sales tools. Define good value propositions and provide input and product related content. Ensure the product launch package support product ramping up and sales effectively.
- PLM implementation: act according to MT's PLM guidelines and provide input to NPDI or ECM projects across different project phases. Take leadership for business justification and ensure a sound business case at M200. Generate market requirements document. Organize and execute product launches according to MT040 and IND marketing product launch policies.
- Training and support: provide input to support & training teams. Create training material and conduct “train-the trainer” to onboard training team with product launch. Provide 4th level support for products/service during active product life (support level 1…3 is in the responsibility of other teams).
- Quality and compliance: coordinate/execute quality assurance tasks such as analysis of data in quality monitoring systems or quality notes. Ensure that own products continuously meet internal and external quality standards and compliance requirements. Manage and/or provide input to quality improvement tasks or recall and related communication activities.
- Maintenance of line: ensure continuous attractiveness of own products throughout the active product life. Monitor/analyze sales figures. Initialize ECRs/projects for product upgrades, line extensions, de-proliferations or cost reductions together with the SPG head. Ensure sustainable C1 contributions.
- Phase out: define proper and effective phase-out of products when they have reached end of life status. Ensure to avoid portfolio gaps. Support phase-out team with product related input, e.g. forecast, MO communications etc.
- Roadmap and strategy: support SPG head to define mid- and longer-term product roadmap. Actively contribute to overall BUSI portfolio strategy and implement the SPG-strategy.
- Education
- You hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree in mechanical, automation or related technical fields.
- Working experiences
- You are an experienced and professional R&D or project management or product management talent in a international culture for above 5 years
- B2B product, load cell or sensor technology background would a plus
- Professional skills
- Engineering background.
- Proven professional experience in similar industry; ideally >5 years experience as product manager, R&D, Project with successful track record.
- Market and customer oriented thinking: affinity to sales and marketing of technical systems/components.
- Solid understanding for technologies, technology trends, methods, business processes in different industries.
- Good planning and executing skills. Takes initiative and get things done.
- At ease with working and communicating in a globally networked, multi-cultural business environment.
- Indirect people management; ease to motivate people in matrix organization.
- Entrepreneurial thinking and acting; dedicated to achieve sustainable commercial success.
- Very good English skills. German and/or any other European language is a plus.
- Competitive compensation & benefit package
- Possibility to work in an international environment with multicultural team
- Interesting and challenging career in a successful leading global organization
- Trainings and professional development
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