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16729-GDP NPDI solution coordinator

Location Changzhou, Jiangsu Sheng Data publikacji July 02, 2024 Identyfikator oferty 16729
Our Opening and Your Responsibilities
  • Represent GDP (Global Direct Procurement) during early phases of a Prestudy/NPDI in MT China
  • Expand & develop the existing “GDP NPDI coordinator” role (Information collection and sharing) towards a full “GDP solution provider for R&D in NPDI’s” during the very early phases of a product development (prestudies + M100 + M200 are in focus)
  • Offer a SAFe compatible, agile and fast feedback (solution) to R&D at MT China while mainly focusing on GDP global offerings & strategies (Electronics, Modules, Mechanical parts, technologies, suppliers, Value Engineering)
  • Understand R&D requirements and consult R&D on COMPREHENSIVE possibilities from GDP
  • Enhance “shift left / frontloading” thinking (spend more time before/around M200 to integrate global feedbacks)
  • Ensure R&D gets a timely solution/feedback ("feels fully accountable to R&D to promote a solution from GDP")
  • Interact intensively with GDP Sourcing Engineers (Catalog items can be proposed directly by solution coordinator directly while complex technologies require the SE to be involved)
  • Align with local procurement for handover after base decisions (technologies / suppliers) have been made during early project phases (between M200 and M300)
  • Support local procurement during escalations related to global categories
What You Need to Succeed
  • Education
    • Bachelor/ master’s degree in technical area. Preferably in Electronics
  • Professional skills
    • Senior person having worked at MT for many years
    • Technical capability in electronics, modules & mechanical parts ("broad and deep technological knowledge")
    • Understanding of different culture (CN, US, EU), fluent in Mandarin & English
    • Very good communication skills MT globally & locally in MT China
    • Being accepted by global & local team, good "bridging" capabilities
    • Good support from local & global management
    • Strong conceptional strengths, able to set course for technologies/suppliers
    • Highly agile
    • A self-directed, proactive, and solution-oriented person with a pronounced service and customer orientation and a continual improvement mindset
Our Offer to You
  • Competitive compensation & benefit package
  • Possibility to work in an international environment with multicultural team
  • Interesting and challenging career in a successful leading global organization
  • Trainings and professional development
About Mettler Toledo
METTLER TOLEDO is a leading global supplier of precision instruments and services. We are recognized as an innovation leader and our solutions are critical in key R&D, quality control, and manufacturing processes for customers in a wide range of industries including life sciences, food, and chemicals. We operate throughout the world with a culture shaped by innovation and international flair.
Equal Opportunity Employment
We promote equal opportunity worldwide and value diversity in our teams in terms of business background, area of expertise, gender and ethnicity. For more information on our commitment to Sustainability, Diversity and Equal Opportunity please visit us here


Zobacz “dzień z życia” pracownika METTLER TOLEDO. Niezależnie od tego gdzie pracujesz, wszędzie poczujesz dobrą atmosferę. METTLER TOLEDO może być dokładnie tym, gdzie Twoje miejsce.

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METTLER TOLEDO jest pracodawcą oferującym równe szanse i ceniącym różnorodność.

Zabraniamy dyskryminacji ze strony pracowników, przełożonych oraz współpracowników, ze względu na rasę, kolor skóry, wyznanie, płeć (w tym zmianę płci, obowiązki rodzinne, stan cywilny, związek partnerski, ciążę, poród, tożsamość lub ekspresję płciową oraz orientację
seksualną), religię, wiek, pochodzenie narodowe lub przodków, obywatelstwo, niepełnosprawność fizyczną lub umysłową, informacje genetyczne, status powołania militarnego, przekonania polityczne, korzystanie z praw do wolności zrzeszania się lub wszelkie inne kategorie/cechy, o których mowa w obowiązujących przepisach prawa.
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