Senior DevSecOps Engineer
Location Coimbatore, Tamilnadu; Bangalur, State of Karnataka Data publikacji August 22, 2024 Identyfikator oferty 17029- Qualification: BE / B.Tech / MCA / ME / M.Tech
- Good understanding of the end to end DevOps/DevSecOps Process & implementation for applications
- Good knowledge of Unix / Linux / Windows environments
- Good Know how of git based source code repositories is a must
- Good with Linux fundamentals.
- Experience in building devOps framework for Windows & Linux based applications
- Familiarity with cloud technologies is a plus
- Experience in Build tools like maven / Gradle / MsBuild / NuGet is a plus
- Build and maintain the DevOps pipelines for the Project
- Build,Manage and enhance the deployment environments & platform(On prem K8s knowledge is a must)
- Work with the Development team to ensure that the build and deployment happens as per the requirement
- Trouble shoot and address issues related to the DevOps Framework
- Address the issues related to the Deployment environment
- Integrate the security scans in the DevOps pipeline and address the issues related to security scans
- Integrate testing framework & process into the DevOps Pipelines
- Work with the different teams to understand the current build and deployment process & enhance the process whenever required.
- Develop scripts/automation to address various business requirements
- Lead the Application Installer/Packaging activities
- Hybrid working model.
- Family Mediclaim benefits including parents & Term life insurance Cover.
- Wide portfolio of training opportunities including but not limited to Conferences, Workshops, Education reimbursement & Online learning.
- A wide range of Career Path to explore based on Individual strengths and aspirations.
- Quarterly and Annual awards for outstanding individuals and Quality of Life Improvement Program
Zobacz “dzień z życia” pracownika METTLER TOLEDO. Niezależnie od tego gdzie pracujesz, wszędzie poczujesz dobrą atmosferę. METTLER TOLEDO może być dokładnie tym, gdzie Twoje miejsce.
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